- Rev Up Your Channel Partner Program with R.P.M PRESENTED BY: Peter Radizeski, RAD Info, Inc.
Add R.P.M to your channel partner program with this special session by one of the communications channel’s most dynamic sales experts and industry speakers. This sessions will provide channel executives with insight on everything from who to recruit to how to properly compensate, targeted to both those just launching a new channel program, as well as veteran channel managers looking for a revenue boost.
- Gender Diversity Pays Off: Grow Your Business with Female LeadershipPRESENTED BY: Michael Oeth, CEO & Founder, Junction Networks/OnSIP;
Nancy Ridge, Vice President, Telecom Brokers, President & Co-Founder, Women in the Channel;
Nicole Hayward, Vice President Marketing, OnSIP
Gender diversity isn’t just the right thing to do socially; it has a big payoff financially. Studies show that the most successful companies empower women as leaders. According to the Global Leadership Forecast from DDI, companies in the top 20 percent financially have almost twice as many women in leadership roles as those in the bottom 20 percent. In fact, among top-performing companies, 30 to 40 percent of leadership positions were held by women. How can you replicate that success in your organization? Is it simply a matter of recruiting more women? Is there more to it?
- Bridging the Gap between Telco and SoftwarePRESENTED BY: Larry Crabtree, Regional Channel Manager, Vonage
- Know the Facts on FoIPPRESENTED BY: Michael B. Coffee, CEO NetGen Communications
Are you tired of passing revenue onto incumbent providers when advising customers to “keep your POTS for fax”? While it’s true fax over IP (FoIP) customer satisfaction, reliability and support costs are problems yet to be solved by the majority of service providers and carriers, there are options ITSP can exercise to take FoIP from a problem to a source of increased revenue, even while the customer’s costs go down. Attendees of this session will be presented with multiple strategies for keeping FoIP revenues.
- Taking Wi-Fi to the Next Level with Data Capture and AnalyticsPRESENTED BY: Brent Baker, Manager, Network Services, Powernet
Providing free Wi-Fi for customers has become the expectation for many businesses and venues, but are these business owners really getting the most out of their investment? Get an insider look at Powernet’s Wi-Fi Analytics tool, Beyond Wi-Fi, and see how businesses are getting the most out of their Wi-Fi networks.
- Maximizing Return through Indirect ChannelsPRESENTED BY: Bruce Wirt, Vice President of Channel Sales, NetCarrier
Channel veteran and motivational sales speakers Bruce Wirt closes out our sessions with some practical and actionable advice on effectively selling through indirect channels.
For further information and to register, visit ChannelVision (CVx) Expo or contact Frank Coppola at
203-852-6800 x131.
Contact Berge Kaprelian at 480-503-0770. He will work with you to create a plan that will meet your budget and exceed your goals. |