Can your data and voice network survive in the event your business is faced with a natural disaster or unexpected outage or threat?

Transbeam offers a Business Continuity Suite to help protect your business to prevent downtime and loss of service to your employees and customers:

4G LTE Wireless Backup

Provided over the largest and most reliable nationwide wireless network, providing redundancy and failover to any business network. With "Same IP Failover", the service reroutes your company's private IP traffic from your primary broadband connection through the 4G/LTE network securely without ever connecting to the Internet.

Hosted Voice

Connect your office to remote offices, telecommuters and traveling staff through one simple and seamless cloud-based phone system. This system is accessible at all times even if your network connection fails and/or if your employees need to work away from the office for any reason. You will never loose voice connectivity for your important business calls and voice traffic.

Cloud Services

Backup as a Service/ Disaster Recovery as-a-Service (BRaaS/DRaaS) prevents data loss and ensures fast restoration. Custom architecture, innovative software and deep VMware integration.


During Super Storm Sandy, which caused $71.4 billion in damages with flooding streets, tunnels, subway lines and cutting power in various regions, Transbeam customers NEVER LOST service as our core data and voice networks remained intact and fully functional at all times.

Learn how Transbeam can provide insurance to your Data and Voice Services and overall company network.
212.631.8100 x233