Webinar Trustwave
Email Archiving and Encryption
Why companies need better email security.
A top priority for your customers is protecting their email environment against spam, malware, phishing attacks, business email compromise, account takeover, ransomware and more. It is essential that your customers have advanced protection against today's sophisticated email-based threats, extensive policy controls, and in-depth data security and compliance management. Discover how deploying flexible email archiving and encryption platforms can help your customers. Join us to learn how leaders are using email archiving and encryption platforms to secure their organizations.
Stop struggling with email and compliance requirements  
December 5, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. CST
To join us, click here.
Accelerate new client acquisition with the Trustwave Secure Email Gateway (SEG) Competitive Replacement Program. New clients who purchase two years of service will receive the third year free, when replacing any competitive secure email gateway product. Get in touch with Trustwave to learn more.
This special offer applies to:
•   New SEG clients only
•   Trustwave channel partners only
•   Products including Trustwave SEG Cloud Advanced and Office 365 / G Suite protection packages
•   Opportunities up to 2,499 users (custom pricing is available for 2,500+ user bands)
Available for new opportunities closed November 1, 2019 to March 21, 2020.
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