SASE Secure Remote Workforce Connectivity - New Solutions to Support Your Hybrid Workforce
As businesses move increasing workloads to the cloud, new challenges arise, including:
checkWork from anywhere (WFA) is the new normal
checkLegacy architecture does not always scale or requires time-consuming manual intervention
checkAs more businesses embrace a multi-cloud strategy causing network and security vulnerabilities to expand, users demand a reliable, secure experience even if working remotely or in a distributed workforce

SASE Secure Remote Workforce Connectivity
Secure Access Service Edge, also known as SASE, may be the solution your business needs to stay connected and secure in this environment.
Download Your Complimentary
Executive Report to Learn:
checkWork from anywhere (WFA) is the new normal
checkThe Use Cases for SASE

Use Case #1: Managing Headquarters, Branch Offices, and a Connected Data Center
Use Case #2: Managing a Hybrid Workforce
Use Case #3: Managing Regional Offices

Earn 3X SPIFF & save your customers money when you bundle SD-WAN Secure + Business Internet
Offers available for new 36 month contract. On-net only, additional terms and conditions may apply.
Speak to a LOGIX Sales Representative for more details.

To learn more about LOGIX SD-WAN Secure solutions, contact LOGIX Fiber Networks at 281.688.6283 or request a quote.