At CarrierFinder, we invite carriers who provide data for our tool to fill out our online application so your company can be pubished in future newsletters. Here are some ways your company will receive exposure from the spotlight newsletter:
- Emailed to 2500+ register users of CarrierFinder
- Emailed to 30,000+ users on iAgentNetwork
- Emailed to 2,500+ users of Telecom Association
- Posted on LinkedIn and Twitter
- Posted on
- The Spotlight link will appear after users do searches on CarrierFinder where your company has coverage
PS: There is no cost to your company for this advertisment since we are using it to promote CarrierFinder. If you are not a carrier please pass this on to your carrier contacts so they can get listed on our site.
What type of data do we accept into CarrierFinder?
We accept many types of data which can be used in our system to lead our users to discover your companies services.
- Lit Buildings lists (Fiber,Coax,Fixed Wireless). We accept both OnNet and NearNet building locations in Excel or CSV format.
- Fiber routes provided in KMZ (google earth) format. We accept Metro fiber, Long Haul fiber and Dark fiber routes.
- Zip code coverage for Fixed Wireless, LTE which fall into the service providers coverage in Excel or CSV format.
What kind of companies provide data?
Many types of service providers are listed in our system.
- Lit Fiber providers (Telcos, CableCos, DLECS, etc.)
- Dark Fiber providers (Commercial, City, County)
- Data Center providers
- Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPS)
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
If your company does not fit into one of these categories, just contact us and we will let you know if it is a good fit or not.
How is data submitted?
The data can be uploaded on our website from your user account or just sent via email to We can also accept data via dropbox links.
Additional Information and Resources
Submit Spotlight application
View sample Spotlight articles
Visit the CarrierFinder website
Reply to this email for more information about how to get listed on CarrierFinder
Keep in Touch!
Dave Laskowski
(425) 406-6199